The paraffin is melted by electric resistors in a very few time. It’s possible to set the temperature using the digital controller. The temperature is kept constant during the whole utilisation. Insulation allows to reduce to a minimum the electic absorption.

La paraffina viene sciolta da resistenze elettriche con riduzione al minimo del tempo necessario; la temperatura può essere impostata tramite il regolatore elettronico.

La temperatura viene mantenuta costante durante l’utilizzo. Il buon isolamento consente di ridurre al minimo i consumi elettrici.


  • can work every kind of wood
  • solid metal structur with a good insulation


Our waxing tanks are available in the following sizes:

  • single tank model (600 x 600 x 500 mm)
  • double tank model (600 x 600 x 500 mm + 600 x 600 x 500 mm)
  • double tank model (900 x 600 x 500 mm + 600 x 600 x 500 mm)


  • easy maintenance and cleaning
  • easy paraffine discharging system